Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer fun days...

A few days ago my girls and I took off, along with some girlfriends, to Seattle for an overnight trip...
The purpose? To watch a friendly soccer game between Manchester United and the Seattle Sounders!!!
Isn't it funny that all the girls went and all the guys stayed home...?!
We had so much fun, I don't think our girls will ever forget this trip!

Pike's Place

The reason why we were there (and we got to see 7 goals!!)....

Then, shortly upon our return our family was invited for a barbeque at our friends' beautiful country home...
Can you say j-e-a-l-o-u-s...??!!
The setting is gorgeous, the home is magnificent, there are chicken, alpacas, bees, lavender, and an incredible view...
And the sun was out!

The kids favorite of the day...

To finish off our weekend, there was a lot of this...

... And the best part? A championship win!!! What a great way to end an absolutely lovely week!!!